Eurosim features industrial companies from the European Union countries.




Eurosim features industrial companies from the European Union countries. The production-distribution process of these companies, as well as the different economic conditions in the countries of origin create opportunities for partnership which are realized through negotiation et cooperation.
The main dimension of Eurosim lies in the importance given to negotiations between firms from different countries. In order to have access to outlets other than their domestic market, managers need to enter into export contracts (for finished or intermediate products) with external partners. Similarly, they can import products from all other simulated firms. These export or import contracts can take different forms, from the simple supply of products to the mission of representation under license.
In addition, special attention is paid to the quality policy conducted by each firm. Product certification is granted by the National Quality Agency.


Eurosim contains some thirty decisions relating to the supply of materials, the manufacture and/or subcontracting of finished products, the marketing of products (sales price, sales force, advertising, certification, etc.), investment in manufacturing equipment, the choice of production technology, research and development efforts, and short and long-term financial resources. Finally, decisions involving partnership actions are administered within the framework of contracts.
The simulation is adapted to the Master and MBA level.


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